Kisanga CLM members displaying male condom boxes before re-filling into the box at the background in Kola sub-village

Kola is one of the 3 sub-villages in Kisanga village, Kisarawe district, Coast region. The village is located 20 kms west of Kisarawe district, with a population of about 500 people. Kola sub-village is a new settlement with many economic activities including; faming, livestock keeping and other petty business which attracts many people from different places. Equally, the area has many local bars selling different types of alcohol, it is noticeable that there are sexual workers around, commonly known as “ubanda”. Ubanda literally means a places where they sale

legal and illegal alcohols and at the same time there is younger girls and women who are practicing sexual business. As a result of such interactions there are high risks of people being infected by Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI) including HIV/AIDS. Presence of many Ubanda in the area is likely to increasing spread of Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs). The situation undermines the efforts by the government and other local and Internarial organizations in the fight against HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Kisanga village has a Dispensary, male condoms is among other preventive gears the dispensary is distributing to the community, condoms are provided for two folds first, to reduce spread of STDs and second to control unplanned pregnancies to young girls and women. The Hospital administration has placed condom boxes in public places like LG offices, at the Dispensary and in market places. However the situation is different at Kola sub-village, there were no condom boxes for them to access free male condoms like in other hamlets. Existence of Many Ubandas in the area creates high demand of the male condoms, as a result people used to buy them at a price of Tshs. 500/piece while the government provides them for free. Other people had to travel more than 6 kms to look for free condoms, using motorbike which is very expensive. Implementation of Community Led Monitoring (CLM) by CDTF, financed by PEPFAR in 6 Health Facilities in Kisarawe district, including Kisanga Dispensary has helped Kola community to access free male condoms.

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