On December 9th, 2022, Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF) joined the #GIVINGTUESDAY movement organized by Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) and Tanzania Philanthropy Organization (FCS) in Tanzania with a Cleanup and tree-planting initiative at Msasani Beach in Dar es Salaam. The aim was to combat littering, foster long-term behavioral change, and raise awareness about the impacts of climate change. The theme for GivingTuesday 2022 was “Let’s join hands toward turning Tanzania into a clean and healthy country.”
Task conducted
- Conducted a Waste and Brand Audit (WABA) to identify the types of brands contributing to waste at the site.
- Collaborated with various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NIPE FAGIO organization, Sanamare environmental organization, the Environmental Conservation Community of Tanzania (ECCT), Enson Africa, and Zaidi Recyclers.
- Over 200 individuals from diverse organizations, universities, and the local community participated in the cleanup and tree-planting, resulting in the planting of 20 trees.
This initiative is part of a global generosity movement that empowers people and organizations to make positive changes in their communities and the world, not just on December, but every day.